Patients with Signs of Memory Loss

Individuals who are experiencing short-term memory loss and forgetfulness and are concerned about what that might mean. In general, short-term memory loss involves forgetting recent things. Common memory complaints that may occasionally occur during normal aging include misplacing objects around the house, forgetting the names of less familiar acquaintances, forgetting one's intent upon entering a room, occasional difficulty finding the right words to express a thought, or having some difficulty remembering lesser details of prior conversations. The main difference between age-related memory loss and dementia is that in normal aging the forgetfulness does not interfere with a person's ability to carry on with normal daily activities. Short-term memory loss treatment depends on the underlying cause. For example, sudden memory loss could be associated with a brain aneurysm or brain tumor. In addition thyroid hormone imbalance, strokes, traumatic brain injury or concussion, brain infections (encephalitis, meningitis, etc.), and treatment for cancer can also cause short-term memory loss. Some kinds of forgetfulness can be remedied by making adjustments to lifestyle (getting a good night's sleep, avoiding stress/anxiety, depression and excessive consumption of alcohol) and, if possible, to medications. Some medications for depression, blood pressure, heartburn, and overactive bladder can affect memory.

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