Opioid Antidote Distribution Programs

Programs that distribute Narcan or other similar substances that block the effects of opiates such as heroin, morphine, codeine, OxyContin, methadone, fentanyl and Vicodin but cannot themselves be used to get a person high. Opiate antidotes can be used to reverse the effects of an opiate overdose including restoring breathing that has stopped or slowed down, and may be distributed to opiate users to reduce the number of deaths that occur from opiate overdose.



Program based on Outpatient Harm Reduction Model including:

Offers a place to eat, drink, and rest.

  • restroom access
  • hygiene supplies
  • free clothing including socks and underwear
  • harm reduction supplies
  • referrals to social supports and housing

Provide services to those in Hamilton that are street involved to help reduce barriers preventing them from accessing important health care services.

Services include:

Trained members of the Alternatives for Youth team have the capacity to distribute naloxone to youth up to the age of 25 and their family/friends in the Hamilton community.  

Supervised injection site that operates as a lifeguard station for intravenous drug use.

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