Women's Support Groups

Mutual support groups whose members are women who want an opportunity to share their issues and concerns with other women in a safe, supportive environment. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.



Provides individual therapy and coaching for all ages, therapeutic programs for children and youth, and support groups for women. Programs are provided by registered mental health professionals. 

Women’s health group with a special focus on issues related to racialized, immigrant, refugee, and lower-income women living in the inner-city core.

Offers confidential support services for survivors of sexual violence, 16 years of age and older, who have left sex-traf­fick­ing at any point in their lives. Services include individual, group counselling and advocacy.

Offers con­fi­den­tial trau­ma-informed support services for survivors of sexual violence, 16 years of age and older, who have experienced sexual violence at any point in their lives. Services include individual and group counselling.

Provides support for women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse including:

  • community counselling services
  • individual counselling
  • employment counselling
  • peer support
  • wellness and recovery groups

A women's social and support group that meets weekly. Activities include crafts, conversations, or events planned through partnerships. 

Online women’s group, hosted by a Health & Wellness Counsellor, that meets weekly to discuss topics related to women’s health and well-being, and provide an opportunity to share resources and socialize.

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