Abuse/Violence Related Support Groups

Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who have experienced physical or emotional abuse within the context of the home or workplace, human trafficking, sexual assault or violent crime. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources for participants; and may be structured for victims/survivors of abuse and/or violence, for family members and others affected by the violence, or for perpetrators of family violence.



Offers personalized, confidential support services to those directly and indirectly affected by domestic violence or related to sexual assault, regardless of their sexual identity or orientation, by providing a safe, confidential space. Services include:

Services designed to help newcomer, immigrant, and refugee women address their unique needs through community resources and referrals, short term sessional counseling, and workshops.

Supports and services offered: 

Offers confidential support services for survivors of sexual violence, 16 years of age and older, who have left sex-traf­fick­ing at any point in their lives. Services include individual, group counselling and advocacy.

Provides confidential counselling and psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families to explore the strengths and resources they can use to overcome the challenges they are facing.

Services are available for:

Offers supportive programming for women from Hamilton's diverse racial and cultural communities, in particular women who are immigrant, newcomers, and refugees.

Offers con­fi­den­tial trau­ma-informed support services for survivors of sexual violence, 16 years of age and older, who have experienced sexual violence at any point in their lives. Services include individual and group counselling.

An early intervention program that provides group supports for children and youth who have witnessed violence, by offering opportunities to share their feelings regarding the abuse and violence they have witnessed in a creative and supportive environment.

Offers support to women who have been exposed to abuse and violence, whether physical, sexual, emotional, or financial. Programs provide knowledge and understanding of abuse, safety planning, and access to community resources.

Services provided by Interval House of Hamilton at Women's Centre of Hamilton and Flamborough Women's Resource Centre. Provides support for women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse including:

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