Do It Yourself Bicycle Repair Instruction

Programs that provide manuals, classes, individualized instruction or other opportunities for people to learn to perform routine maintenance on their bicycles (which generally involves lubricating, tightening, adjusting or replacing parts) or to make repairs when a part is broken or otherwise malfunctioning. Bicycle components that may need attention include the handlebars, hand brakes, shifters, seat, headset, brakes, crankset, chain, derailleurs and internal hubs, and wheels as well as fenders, racks and other accessories that may be attached.



New Hope Community Bikes offers restored bikes, bike repair, bicycle safety education and bicycle accessories. They also accept donations of bikes and parts.

Location of the New Hope Community Bikes shop and repair centre.

This registered charity and social enterprise builds and restores bikes and offers them for sale at various price points. They also offer workshops on building and repairing and cycling safety education. 

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