Computer Literacy Training Programs

Programs that provide instruction for individuals of all ages who want to learn about or perfect their skills in using computers, computer-related hardware and specific home and business applications including word processing, spreadsheet development, presentation development, database management, electronic publishing and image processing. Included are both introductory classes for people unfamiliar with computers and the Internet and more advanced courses, as well as programs that provide instruction in the use of related technology such as smartphones and social media. Instruction may focus on publishing tools such as blogs, video logs (vlogs), photo sharing, podcasting or wikis.



Offers computer classes, teaching everything from how to use a keyboard to creating and using a personal email. The course is offered long-term, meeting twice weekly for two hours.

Friendly Visiting - Regular in-home visits with trained staff and volunteers, with activities including conversation, playing cards, running errands, walking, and more.

Offers summer camps in Hamilton for different age groups and learning styles. These camps aim to educate children in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) through hands on-play. Camps include:

Hamilton location for Brick Works Academy camps, located at Hillfield Strathallan College Campus.

Embracing Geek Culture, the aim is to educate children in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) through hands-on play.

Online website for Cyber Seniors.

Offers activities that are aimed at providing opportunities for collective learning and skills-development in small groups, both in person and online. Provides opportunities to practice English, meet new people with shared interests, and get to know other Canadians and build professional and soci

A free digital literacy program that is offered to newcomers and members of Black and marginalized communities to learn beginner and intermediate computer skills.

Topics include:

Offers a variety of education programs for Ladies, Kids, Girls, Teens and Teachers.

Topics include:

The Hamilton chapter of Canada Learning Code, a not-for-profit organization that designs, delivers, and partners on technology education for Canadians.

Not-for-profit organization that designs, delivers, and partners on technology education for Canadians.

A program for adults to earn high school credits though 6-week programs using Ontario Secondary School curriculum as per Ministry of Education guidelines.

Offers a variety of computer workshops available from introductory to advanced levels. Topics include classes for beginners, job readiness, and computer skills upgrading. Contact or visit the website for more program details.

Offers a variety of programs to help blind and partially sighted individuals learn how to use different types of technologies, including both adaptive and traditional technologies. Programs are offered both in person and online.

Offers daily webinars. Subjects include technology and computers, exercise classes, meditation, and virtual world tours. All previous webinars are available online. 

Offers one-on-one phone support for seniors who need help using their computer or mobile device. Appointments are made with youth volunteers and are 30 minutes in length.

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