Children's Out of Home Respite Care

Programs that provide a brief period of rest or relief for parents, grandparents, guardians, family members who are regular caregivers for dependent children by offering temporary or intermittent care for the child in a community setting/facility.



Community Living Hamilton offers a variety of respite services, including day trips, overnight stays, and cottage vacations for adults and children with developmental disabilities, fostering social interaction, friendships, and personal growth, as well as providing caregivers with peace, security

Offers a respite program for young parents age 24 and younger. Children ages 6 weeks to 6 years can be dropped off while the parents run errands, attend appointments etc.

Location of Hamilton and District Extend-A-Family.

A registered charity in Hamilton that provides social opportunities and friendships to children with special needs while providing respite to their families.

Offers a range of programs to individuals living with developmental disabilities that help make new friends, improve old relationships, connect to services, or build new skills.

Services include:

The Forest Program serves youth ages 10 to 18 with a dual diagnosis and is part of the service array available through the Guiding Partnerships and Solutions (GPS) Program.

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