Training and Employment Programs

Programs that provide job development, job training, job search, job placement, specialized job situations and other supportive services for individuals and groups who are having difficulty finding paid employment. These programs especially target people who have minimal job skills, veterans, older workers, youth, ex-offenders, public assistance recipients, refugees/immigrants, members of minority groups and others who are vocationally disadvantaged. Included are government-subsidized programs and those offered through the private sector.



Built through extensive engagement and collaboration with youth, City staff, parents, and agency partners, the City of Hamilton’s Youth Strategy maps out a plan for how the City will engage youth aged 14-29 and address the issues they face in Hamilton.

The HamOntYouth Steering Committee is for all youth 14-29 who live in the city of Hamilton. The meetings are a safe space for youth to meet new people, learn about the community, be heard, and to have fun.

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