
Programs that provide facilities and/or necessary medical attention for women who are ready to give birth.



Provides primary care to low-risk pregnant women throughout their pregnancy, labour and birth, and during the first six weeks following birth.

Registered health care professionals that provide primary care to low-risk women throughout pregnancy, labour and birth, and to both mother and baby for the first six weeks after birth. Family-centred prenatal and postnatal care for home or hospital births, from practitioners at local hospitals.

Provides primary care to low-risk clients and their newborns throughout pregnancy, labour and birth, and the first six weeks following delivery (referred to as postpartum and newborn care). Family-centred prenatal and postnatal care for home or hospital births, from practitioners with privileges

Provides comprehensive and accessible maternity care using a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach. The clinic is attended for prenatal visits and Maternity Centre doctors are on call for delivery at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

Offices of Mountain Midwifery Care.

Provides primary care to low-risk pregnant women throughout their pregnancy, labour and birth, and during the first six weeks following birth. Family-centred prenatal and postnatal care for home or hospital births, from practitioners at local hospitals.

Offices of the Hamilton Midwives.

Health care providers who specialize in caring for healthy people during their childbearing year. Midwives provide complete prenatal, labour, birth (in home or hospital), and postnatal care to healthy parents and their babies.

Offices of the Access Midwives of Hamilton.

Provides primary care to low-risk pregnant women throughout their pregnancy, labour, and birth and during first six weeks following birth. Family-centred prenatal and postnatal care for home or hospital births, from practitioners at local hospitals.

Offices of the Community Midwives of Hamilton.

Provides primary care to low-risk pregnant women throughout their pregnancy, labour, and birth and during first six weeks following birth. Family-centred prenatal and postnatal care for home or hospital births, from practitioners with privileges at McMaster and St. Joseph's hospitals.

Provides primary care to low-risk pregnant women throughout their pregnancy, labour, and birth and during first six weeks following birth. Family-centred prenatal and postnatal care for home or hospital births, from practitioners with privileges at local Hamilton Hospitals. Postpartum support inc

Provides care for individuals pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy, labour, and delivery, and birth care.

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