A free virtual income tax clinic for low income individuals and families, for current and prior years returns. Offers home visits for housebound clients.
A free virtual income tax clinic for low income individuals and families, for current and prior years returns. Offers house visits for homebound clients.
Offers a recreational basketball program that caters to the Islamic community of Hamilton and the surrounding area. New members are welcome.
A youth worker from the John Howard Society is assigned to the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board to provide the following functions in the suspension/expulsion program:
The Stoney Creek Historical Society is dedicated to the preservation, protection, and sharing of Stoney Creek history. This group manages the Stoney Creek Research Library and Archives.
Offers children camp activities with a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) theme, where participants learn from qualified STEM experts from across Canada.
Offers several programs on pain management and treatment of chronic pain. Programs work with the patient and their family to support adaptive changes to improve daily functioning, productivity and overall quality of life.
The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario regulates physiotherapists, also known as physical therapists, to ensure the ongoing improvement of the practice of physiotherapists and to serve the public interest.
A non-profit organization whose mandate is to acquire, document, preserve, and maintain a complete collection of aircraft that were flown by Canadians and the Canadian military from the beginning of World War II to the present. The museum's role is to preserve the artifacts, books, periodicals and manuals relating to this mandate, including almost 50 aircraft.
Catholic churches in Hamilton offering worship services and mass times throughout the week. Many locations also offer additional faith based programming including youth groups and Bible study groups.