Supports and promotes local communities and businesses and initiates events and street beautification for the Westdale Village area, King Street W. between Cline Ave. N. just beyond Sterling St. The Board of Management, including one member of City Council, governs the organization and meets monthly. Various committees are organized to fulfill its mandate and to develop activities and events.
Offers summer camps in Dundas for different age groups and learning styles. These camps are run by clinicians and help children develop different academic and self-help skills.
The Criminal Law Advice Duty Counsel is a service run out of the John Sopinka Courthouse. The program gives advice and assistance on criminal law matters for people who are not in court the day they attend the centre.
A non-profit agency that brings people together through collective action and grassroots organizing to challenge corporate power and advocate for people, the planet, and Canadian democracy.
Peer support for those who have received a cancer diagnosis, their caregivers and families. Create a profile on the website to access this group.
Hamilton-area French language first schools of the Conseil scolaire Viamond school board. Offers education in French for elementary and secondary school.
Provincial Ontario Ministry responsible for leading the province's fiscal, tax, economic, and statistics policy. Administers tax and benefit programs and reports on Ontario's economic and fiscal plans.
Provides hearing screening and assessment services for new-born babies, also provides family support and communication development services for young children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
A non-for-profit, community-based organization providing support for males and transitional male youth experiencing alcohol or drug addition. Offers advocacy, counselling, education, and life skills building activities in a substance-free environment. Part of the Shelter Health Network.
The Ontario Poison Centre is a telephone consultation service that provides expert poison advice 24 hours per day to the public, emergency services personnel, and health-care professionals in Ontario.
This organization is operated an supported by the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto.