Offers a range of reproductive health services, including:
Provides care by clinicians and psychiatrists who assess and treat patients with acute mental health problems who have presented to the emergency department.
Conservation Halton offers a variety of conservation, recreation, and education programs at their parks, both year-round and seasonally.
Regional headquarters of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs. Provides some in-person services but most services are offered via the website or by phone.
Provides information on a full range of social services available from all levels of government, the non-profit sector, the private voluntary sectors, by individuals in the community, and from the business sector.
Glanbrook Community Services provides participants with transportation services to medical appointments, dental appointments, errands, to visit friends, grocery and general shopping. Drivers will wait and can assist participants with purchases.
Provides assessment, rapid consultation, and treatment of individuals experiencing mental health problems.
A supportive housing project which provides an opportunity for adults with a physical disability to live in an apartment or community dwelling that has common spaces that the residents share.
Local office of the Ontario Public Health Unit. This location deals with application drop-offs and program eligibility determination for the Ontario Ministry of Health.
HSR office handling all inquiries regarding accessible transit.