Hamilton location of the Centre de Santé Communautaire Hamilton/Niagara.
Delivers programs and services which promote spiritual/emotional growth and wellness. Staff includes community approved healers, teachers, and facilitators.
Programs and services include:
Licensed child care centre located in Hamilton.
Website for the Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre, an independent non-profit corporation that provides support and referral services for racialized individuals experiencing racism.
Website and phone line of the National Eating Disorder Information Centre.
Office for Dundas Learning Centre and Civitan Place, a non-profit agency that provides a day program that focuses on empowering adults with developmental disabilities while building their education and life skills.
Hamilton Municipal Service Centres offer the following services:
- Property Taxes
- Parking Ticket Payments
- Traffic Ticket Payments
- Blue Boxes
- Animal Licensing
- Composters
- PRESTO Card Payments for HSR Buses
- Taxi Scrips for ATS/DARTS clients
- Marriage Licenses
- Burn Permits
- Well Water Test Kits
- Automated Speed Enforcement Fine Payments
Emergency accommodation for families experiencing homelessness in the form of private, accessible self-contained units.
Provides information to individuals whose lives have been significantly altered by illness or injury.
24 hour confidential telephone support and crisis intervention. Provides referrals to local community supports and inpatient programs, including the Good Shepherd Barrett Centre for Crisis Support.