Weekly farmer's market selling locally grown food and food products. Market is held on Wednesday afternoons through the summer months.
A searchable online list directory of licensed licensed funeral establishments and professionals that is maintained by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario.
A non-profit organization that sets-up, monitors, and licenses outdoor fridges to provide free food to people in the community.
Non-profit bagpipe and drum organization, with three competition bands sponsored in part by the City of Hamilton Police Service.
Offers a variety of client-directed housekeeping services for adults with disabilities who are living in their own homes. Services include light housekeeping, meal preparation, and laundry services.
A non-profit agency committed to providing hope, compassionate and informative assistance for anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy. Services are free and confidential. They include:
Catholic Church offering weekday Mass Monday to Friday and Lord's Day Mass on Saturday and Sunday. Children's liturgy is available during the Sunday Mass times.
Offers practical instruction and coaching programs to individuals, families, and groups to help promote healthy and independent living.
Offers support through a collaborative process that helps families with complex needs find solutions to leading a better life, through the support of a team made up of family, friends and community.
Protestant Church offering weekly Sunday service in person and online. Sunday School available for children during church service times.