A phone line that people can call or text to monitor encampment tear downs and requests for supplies.
A drop-in and resource centre for people with lived experience of mental health or addiction problems.
An organization which provides consultation, diagnosis, and therapeutic procedures for musicians experiencing hearing problems or other injury.
S-Anon is a 12 step program that provides support for family and friends of sexually addicted people.
Provides free drop-in counselling for people who do sex work with a psychotherapist and registered social worker.
Weekly farmer's market selling locally grown food and food products. Market is held on Wednesday afternoons through the summer months.
A searchable online list directory of licensed licensed funeral establishments and professionals that is maintained by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario.
A non-profit organization that sets-up, monitors, and licenses outdoor fridges to provide free food to people in the community.
Non-profit bagpipe and drum organization, with three competition bands sponsored in part by the City of Hamilton Police Service.
A community fridge with 24/7 access, in which anyone in the neighbourhood can take or leave food donations, in the spirit of mutual aid.