Matches community members to volunteer opportunities at St. Joseph's Villa long term care facility based on candidate's interest and personal goals.
Opportunities include:
Matches community members to volunteer opportunities at St. Joseph's Villa long term care facility based on candidate's interest and personal goals.
Opportunities include:
An online service of Hamilton Health Sciences, St. Joseph's Healthcare, and McMaster University designed to aid individuals and families in navigating the health related services in the city of Hamilton.
Provides community support and case management services to pregnant and parenting youth.
The main components of programming are:
A day program for adults with developmental disabilities. Provides opportunities for participants to develop confidence and increase independence by assisting them to develop work skills and engage in purposeful community involvement through volun
Assists isolated, low income, and vulnerable seniors age 55 and older with making social connections and maintaining independence through various activities and community referrals.
Provides community based supports for adults with developmental disabilities with a focus on skill building, pre-employment opportunities and literacy skills.
Offers a number of resources related to hospice end-of-life care.
Services include:
A two-day event held annually on the first full weekend of May, part of a province wide celebration of community heritage.
Children's Aid Society has a speakers' group of front-line child protection workers and supervisors who can be requested to present to local organizations, community groups, and schools about the role of the Society and the public's duty to report
Provides housing support services to individuals with serious mental illness who are involved in the criminal justice system.