YWCA offers a variety of classes and programs focused on health, wellness, and physical fitness. Visit the website for a list of all available programs and the program schedule.
Administers a variety of immigration and citizenship related services through the Federal Canadian Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
Services include:
Provides mental health training and education to help promote capacity building and resilience. Serves individuals of all ages, families, caregivers, community agencies, and the general public. Offered in Hamilton, Brant, Haldimand and Niagara r
The role of the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) is to:
Holds monthly meetings promoting the study, appreciation, and conservation of wild plants and animals, featuring guest speakers talking about a variety of nature-related topics.
Hamilton Civic Museums offer:
Offering free workshops and networking programs for newcomer women, youth, and gender-diverse folks to help connect to local services and resources.
Hamilton Children’s Choir offers choral music education programs for children and youth between the ages of 18 months and 24 years.
Promotes the enjoyment and advancement of astronomy among amateurs and educates the public in the science of astronomy. Guest speakers or members offer presentations on various topics and offer tips for better sky viewing.
Offers preschool and elementary Montessori education.