Provides a space for students to work on school work, with access to learning materials (pens, pencils, paper), computers with internet, and tutor support twice weekly.
The Credit Counselling Society offers programs, education and support from a credit counsellor for:
The municipal law enforcement agency for the City of Hamilton.
Offers a variety of March Break, PA Day, and summer camps for children, including:
- Creative Camp
- Nature Camp
- Multi-Sports Camp
- Soccer Camp
- Football Camp
- Volleyball Camp
Hamilton residents elect a board of 15 trustees who establish policies and direction of the school board.
Offers a respite program for young parents age 24 and younger. Children ages 6 weeks to 6 years can be dropped off while the parents run errands, attend appointments etc.
A collective of residents living in a specific area or community in the city of Hamilton. Each association may hold meetings and stay connected through email or social media.
A bilingual CCMA-accredited Montessori school, providing programs for Toddlers (18 months to 3 years), Casa (2.5 years to 6 years), and Elementary (6 to 12 years). Organic snacks provided.
The Youth Justice Committee involves trained community members who meet with victims, young people aged 12-17 accused of minor, non-violent offences, and their parents, to negotiate an appropriate way for the young person to make amends for their
Provides access to a safe mailing address for letter mail, free of charge. Mail must be checked regularly (every 30 days) and does not include packages, magazines, or subscriptions.