A regional project that supports the integration of Francophone Immigrants.
A model railway club in Dundas that organizes the annual Dundas Model Train Show and Sale.
Provides comprehensive and accessible maternity care using a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach. The clinic is attended for prenatal visits and Maternity Centre doctors are on call for delivery at St. Joseph’s Hospital.
Camp programs offered by the City of Hamilton during March Break, summer and winter break, and on PA Days. Activities include: games, crafts, sports, etc. Additional support is available for campers with disabilities or special needs.
On-site food bank at Delta United Church serving families and individuals in the community. Clients can visit once a month to select a limited number of items from a variety of packaged/canned foods as well as health and hygiene items.
A food bank providing items such as bread, dairy, cereal, meats, personal hygiene items, and occasionally produce.
A social club for Portuguese individuals and families in Hamilton. Also offers rental of the banquet facilities.
Offers instruction in Scottish Country Dancing from qualified teachers. Basic, intermediate and advanced classes are available.
A mobile health clinic designed to enhance services available to people who face healthcare barriers while accessing emergency shelters, drop-ins, encampments, and other community-based locations. The clinic provides on-the-spot mental health care
Learning assessment for people who have challenges with learning. Designed to identify skills levels in reading, writing, math, and digital technology, along with strengths and challenge areas related to language processing.