Addresses food security challenges to Indigenous community members by providing emergency food assistance.
Offers a variety of health and fitness programs for individuals and families. Serves all members of the community, including those with limited financial means.
Community Living Hamilton offers a variety of respite services, including day trips, overnight stays, and cottage vacations for adults and children with developmental disabilities, fostering social interaction, friendships, and personal growth, as
Offers income tax preparation assistance for newcomers and people with a modest income, and ensures residents are aware of the federal and provincial supports available to them.
Provides a free lunch and coffee on Tuesdays for those in need.
Provides a free eat-in meal on the first Wednesday of every month.
Offering free workshops and networking programs for newcomer women, youth, and gender-diverse folks to help connect to local services and resources.
Offers care for mental health and addiction issues to young people age 17 to 25 in a safe environment. Clinical mental health care is offered in an early intervention stream, a transition support stream, and from a mobile team. Drop-in counselli
Offers before and after school program for school-age children from Kindergarten to Grade 6.
Offers activities that are aimed at providing opportunities for collective learning and skills-development in small groups, both in person and online. Provides opportunities to practice English, meet new people with shared interests, and get to kn