Provides emergency shelter services and overnight accommodation for homeless men in Hamilton. Services also include meals and laundry, as well as case management and referrals to community resources.
Provides care by clinicians and psychiatrists who assess and treat patients with acute mental health problems who have presented to the emergency department.
Offers a place to eat, drink, and rest.
- restroom access
- hygiene supplies
- free clothing including socks and underwear
- harm reduction supplies
- referrals to social supports and housing
Provides support for males and transitional male youth experiencing alcohol or drug addition. Offers advocacy, counselling, education, and life skills building activities in a substance-free environment. Programs include:
A program to help cyclists reduce theft and increase the chance of recovery in the case of loss.
Investigates public complaints against Ontario's police assigned by the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) and serious discipline issues concerning non-sworn members.
To file a public complaint:
Operates as an access point for subsidized housing in Hamilton. Subsidized housing is when rent is geared to the income of the recipient instead of market rates.
Serves as a hub for independent, family-owned businesses and young entrepreneurs, to help promote and improve the community of Barton Village.
Serves as a hub for independent, family-owned businesses and young entrepreneurs, to help promote and improve the community of Downtown Hamilton.
Hamilton Civic Museums offer: