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Provides legal advice and referrals, dealing primarily with immigration, tenant’s rights, employment standards, human rights, employment insurance, Canada Pension Plan, old age security, and social assistance (Ontario Works and Ontario Disability

Provides services for individuals and families displaced or affected by disaster in partnership with first responders, emergency managers, and public officials.

Provides resources, services, and courses to help blind and visually impaired individuals learn to read braille and improve their literacy skills. Also offers braille transcription services.

Offers in-centre program services, providing life skills, wellness, and socialization, as well as online programming, facilitating activities, stories, exercise, and connecting with friends. 

Programs include: 

A toll-free phone line that allows City of Hamilton employees, contractors, vendors, and members of the public a confidential and anonymous way to report suspicion or proof of wrongdoing.

This includes but is not limited to:

The Métis Nation of Ontario maintains the only recognized provincial census of Métis people. It identifies and registers Métis citizens and harvesters who are eligible rights holders in the province of Ontario.