Provides a meal, as well as food, clothes, and other items to those in need every Wednesday evening at Ferguson Station. (Ferguson Ave. S. between King St. and Main St.)
Voluntary adoption disclosure registry offering searches for various types of information, including:
Provides non-medical personal support service to high-risk seniors who require access to care on a 24 hour basis in their home.
The Hamilton ReStore is a home improvement retail store that offers new and used affordable merchandise to the general public as a discounted rate.
An early intervention program that provides group supports for children and youth who have witnessed violence, by offering opportunities to share their feelings regarding the abuse and violence they have witnessed in a creative and supportive envi
A licensed child care centre for families who want to take an active part in the early years of their child’s education. Offers 2 day or 3 day programs in a small-class setting.
A drop-in centre for youth 8-19 years old, providing a welcoming space for learning, growing, building relationships, having fun, and offering support to experience fulfilling routes
A collaboration between Mission Services of Hamilton and Mohawk College to create positive attitudes about education among students in grades 6-9 who are experiencing poverty to pursue a post-secondary education after completing high school.
Offers affordable vet care. Services include:
Provides equitable access to knowledge, programs, and services that mitigate and prevent the development of chronic diseases and conditions.
Programs include: