A year-round virtual income tax clinic for low income individuals and families, for current and prior years returns. Offers house visits for homebound clients.
Offers live performances of professional orchestral music, as well as cultivates music appreciation and education in the schools and communities of the Hamilton area.
Responsible for the development and maintenance of effective school traffic safety. Also maintains a list and map of locations of school crossing guards in Hamilton.
Offers virtual and in-person programs for youth on a variety of science and technology related topics. Visit website for a list of current workshop offerings.
A social club for modern square dancing and round dancing. People of all skill and experience levels are welcome, as pairs or as single dancers.
Provides support services by qualified professionals that improve the quality of life for seniors and enables seniors to maintain their independence while living in their home. Hourly, weekend, short term, long term, and respite care available.
The HamOntYouth Steering Committee is for all youth 14-29 who live in the city of Hamilton. The meetings are a safe space for youth to meet new people, learn about the community, be heard, and to have fun.
Provides educational supports, life skills, peer connections, and adult allies to girls, non-binary, and gender-fluid youth.
Mixed adult league for men and women with various skill levels. Games run from end of May until mid-September. Includes t-shirt and equipment.
Non-profit cultural community centre that promotes Croatian culture in Hamilton.
Programs include:
- festivals
- concerts
- social gatherings
- dance and music groups for children and adults