Provides children and youth with mentoring and tutoring for academic success in preparation for a pathway to access post-secondary education.
Offers competitive and house league basketball for boys and girls, held at gyms in Ancaster and other parts of Hamilton.
Offers a variety of PA day, winter and March break, and summer day camps. Includes theme days, games, activities, and trips.
Licensed child care centre offering care to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Morning and afternoon snacks and a daily lunch are provided.
Offers workshops and seminars about music therapy techniques and approaches from music therapists, health care professionals, and the general public.
Offers March Break and summer camps for children. Programs are built around the circus arts and gymnastics, to help develop skills in body awareness, flexibility, and strength, and stay mentally engaged.
The ALS Canada Equipment Program provides access to basic and essential assistive equipment through:
Offers residential camp programs for children, youth, and families living with inherited bleeding disorders, and allows the opportunity to experience camp and a variety of physical activities in a fun, safe, and supported environment.
Offers legal support and forms assistance to help transgender individuals through the process of legally changing their name and sex designation on Ontario and Canada government IDs, birth certificates, and other records.
Monthly virtual meetings providing support, education, and empowerment to parents and families of children and youth who face mental health challenges.