Provides information to callers regarding tobacco control legislation, such as local smoking by-laws and the provincial Smoke-Free Ontario Act, and on smoking cessation programs and services.
Provides services surrounding Canadian passports and travel documents. Services include:
Provides preparation for the Canadian Citizenship Test and the Language Requirement Certificate for Canadian Citizenship., including regular practice tests using Discover Canada, the official study guide from the Government of Canada.
Provides education and support for parents to help encourage the healthy development of their children. Parents learn to help their children develop the skills they need for daily activities at home and in early learning and care settings. Progr
Online directory of lawyers in Ontario. All Lawyers listed have completed the FLLSS training on how to deliver unbundled family law services.
Provides medical transportation to Indigenous seniors, those with early on-set aging, and those with complex physical disabilities.
National call, text, and live chat counselling services for youth. Services are free, anonymous, and confidential. Professional counsellors are available 24/7 for support, information, and referrals. Services include:
Provides Indian Registration and Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS) application facilitation and renewals for applicants who have already been registered under the Indian Act.
The Indigenous Registration Administrator will:
Provides non-medical personal support service to high-risk seniors who require access to care on a 24 hour basis in their home.
Services designed to help newcomer, immigrant, and refugee women address their unique needs through community resources and referrals, short term sessional counseling, and workshops.
Supports and services offered: