Canadian Forces Unit 31 Canadian Brigade Group, a unique element of the Canadian Forces, whose task is to augment Canada’s military by providing trained light infanteers.
Provides anonymous and confidential crisis support, counseling, safety planning, information, and referrals for women that have experienced abuse or violence.
Offers a day program that focuses on empowering adults with developmental disabilities while building their education and life skills.
Services include:
Offers musical programs for different age groups: Junior Stars (11-15 years), Rising Stars (15-19 years), All Stars (15-25 years), and After Hours (25+ years).
Standard instrumentation includes:
Offers a wide range of day camp programs in the summer for children ages 4 to 15. Also offers PA Day camps.
Provides licensed full-time child care for children ages 0 to 12. Limited part-time care and extended care may be available.
Offers a range of reproductive health services, including:
Offers outreach services that provide rehabilitation to people with acquired brain injuries who live in the community. Services include:
Provides Youth Worker contracted services to these initiatives to support students who are at risk of not completing grade 12 or who have returned to school to complete grade 12.
Licensed child care centres, providing full-day care for infants (0-18 months), toddlers (1.5-2.5 years), and preschool-aged children (2.5-3.5 years). Children participate in both indoor and outdoor activities, weather permitting.