Offers a variety of sport and recreation programs to children from kindergarten to grade 12 to promote healthy lifestyles, skill building, and social-emotional competencies.
Programs include:
Offers a variety of sport and recreation programs to children from kindergarten to grade 12 to promote healthy lifestyles, skill building, and social-emotional competencies.
Programs include:
Offers before and after school program for school-age children from Junior Kindergarten to 12 years old. The program provides a safe place where children can enjoy arts and crafts, have a snack, or work on their homework.
A community fridge and pantry with 24/7 access, in which anyone in the neighbourhood can take or leave food donations.
Branch of the Ontario Ministry of education that licences and inspects all Ontario child care programs.
Other services include:
Regular meetings providing support to families and friends of individuals dealing with alcoholism.
The regular meeting list is available online.
Provides orchestral training and performance opportunities to young musicians, divided into two orchestras:
Offers a bilingual Montessori program from September to June and a summer program from July to August. Care is available full time or half-day. Hot lunches are provided.
Immigration services include:
Refugee claimant services include:
Provides financial assistance on behalf of deceased Hamilton residents who do not have sufficient funds in their estate to fully cover the cost of a basic funeral, burial and/or cremation.
A Hamilton sledge hockey league for people with or without physical or intellectual disabilities. Open to all, regardless of age or skill level. Offers three teams: