Location of Essential Aid and Family Services in Downtown Hamilton.
Dundas location of The Salvation Army Hamilton Community and Family Services.
A 24-hour, multilingual, toll-free service for immediate crisis and referral that supports male survivors of sexual abuse, both recent and historical.
Regional headquarters of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs. Provides some in-person services but most services are offered via the website or by phone.
A supportive housing project which provides an opportunity for adults with a physical disability to live in an apartment or community dwelling that has common spaces that the residents share.
Local office of the Ontario Public Health Unit. This location deals with application drop-offs and program eligibility determination for the Ontario Ministry of Health.
HSR office handling all inquiries regarding accessible transit.
A 24 hour emergency crisis shelter for men, operated by Mission Services of Hamilton.
Downtown Hamilton location of The Salvation Army Hamilton Community and Family Services.
ServiceOntario location offering services related to Ontario government ministries and programs.