Operates licensed child care centres and Montessori schools in North America.
Long-term care home, offering basic and private accommodations along with a wide variety of services.
Retirement home and long-term care residence in Hamilton that offers a continuum of care from independent living, to residents requiring more assistance, to a fully accredited long-term care facility.
Operates child care centres throughout Canada, with two locations in Stoney Creek.
Public Health carries out a range of functions and services that include communicable disease control, sexual health clinic services, healthy lifestyles promotion, prenatal classes, parenting groups, and regulatory inspection of restaurants and other premises.
Retirement residence of private rooms with bathrooms. Can accommodate couples. Provides short stay when space permits.
Operates licensed child care centres across southern Ontario. Each centre incorporates methods from Baby Signs, Montessori, and High Scope.
Non-Denominational Church offering weekly worship service for the Laotian Christian community.
Operates outpatient opioid detoxification centres, specializing in opioid addiction treatments, as well as alcohol addiction treatment, smoking cessation, and mental health services.
A division within the City of Hamilton that administers housing. Services to residents include the administration of social housing, housing research and planning, and support for newcomers seeking housing.