Offering free workshops and networking programs for newcomer women, youth, and gender-diverse folks to help connect to local services and resources.
Offers care for mental health and addiction issues to young people age 17 to 25 in a safe environment. Clinical mental health care is offered in an early intervention stream, a transition support stream, and from a mobile team. Drop-in counselli
12 week group education and counselling program on intimate partner violence
Offers a variety of programs and sports for the benefit of people of the Croatian community in Canada.
Offers before and after school program for school-age children from Kindergarten to Grade 6.
The centre provides people in recovery, their families, and community members with access to reliable and user-friendly information about mental health, addictions, and related issues. Computer with internet access is available onsite.
Offers skating lessons for children of all skating levels and experience.
- learn to skate
- power skating
- figure skaing
- adult skating lessons
Offers a variety of programs and activities to celebrate the Filipino culture.
Offers activities that are aimed at providing opportunities for collective learning and skills-development in small groups, both in person and online. Provides opportunities to practice English, meet new people with shared interests, and get to kn
Providing holistic and culture-based supports to respond to the needs of mental health and addictions for urban Indigenous individuals and families, with a focus on trauma-informed and strength-based approaches.