Community Living Hamilton offers a variety of respite services, including day trips, overnight stays, and cottage vacations for adults and children with developmental disabilities, fostering social interaction, friendships, and personal growth, as
Non-denominational Christian churches in Hamilton offering worship services throughout the week. Many locations also offer additional faith-based programming, including youth groups and Bible study groups.
Seventh Day Adventist churches in Hamilton offering worship services throughout the week. Many locations also offer additional faith-based programming, including youth groups and Bible study groups.
Offers support, respite care, outdoor and community-based activities for adults with developmental disabilities, focusing on skill-building, independence, and inclusive experiences. Services are provided at locations convenient for clients.
Residential facilities that offer personal care and individual attention for older adults, people with disabilities, those with limited incomes, or other populations whose limitations prevent them from living alone.
Offers mental health support services, including individual counselling, group counselling, and seniors counselling. All supports are offered via phone or online with Zoom.
Offers a variety of specialized therapeutic services to meet the needs of children and families experiencing challenges. Also offers in-home service for some programs.
Services include:
Provides legal services in the areas of:
Churches in Hamilton that are part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints offering worship services throughout the week. Many locations also offer additional faith-based programming, including youth groups and Bible study groups.
A 24-hour, multilingual, toll-free service for immediate crisis and referral that supports male survivors of sexual abuse, both recent and historical. Services include: