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Provides services to assist individuals who are experiencing homelessness or are on a low income in finding safe and affordable housing.

Services include:

Helps Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients, Ontario Works (OW) recipients, and people with low income maintain their existing housing or establish a new residence.

Operates as an access point for subsidized housing in Hamilton. Subsidized housing is when rent is geared to the income of the recipient instead of market rates.

A team of professionals offering care to individuals living with or at risk of acquiring Hepatitis C. Provides support and comprehensive services to clients throughout the treatment process. 

Services include:

Provides an opportunity for adults with a physical disability to live in a geared-to-income, fully accessible, one bedroom apartment, with 24-hour access to essential non-medical attendant and life skill support services, including meal prep and e

A financial stability program that helps low-income individuals maintain affordable housing, by providing a small short-term interest-free loan for last month’s rent. Loans are paid directly to the vendor or provider.

An emergency shelter for homeless or transient men. Provides short-term transitional accommodation, case management, financial management services, and referral counselling for spiritual, practical, and social needs.

Offers residential program in apartment-style units with early intervention for youth aged 16-21 years, experiencing or at imminent risk of homelessness, who are working or are in school with the goal of living independently.

Offers a place to eat, drink, and rest.

  • restroom access
  • hygiene supplies
  • free clothing including socks and underwear
  • harm reduction supplies
  • referrals to social supports and housing