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Friendly callers offer companionship and quality conversations through weekly calls. Clients will also have access to other helpful resources and information within the community. Calls usually last 15-30 minutes.

Provides tourist information on Dundas and surrounding areas. Offers brochures, maps, and directions relating to popular tourism attractions in Ontario, as well as current festivals and events. 

A shared-ride taxi service between the HSR and local taxi providers. This service is offered in parts of Glanbrook (routes 20, 27, 35, and 44) and Stoney Creek (routes 2, 55, and 55A) where buses do not currently provide service. 

Provides free income tax assistance for Dundas residents on limited or fixed income. No complicated tax returns or uncompleted returns in the last 3 years will be serviced.

Provides community based supports for adults with developmental disabilities with a focus on skill building, pre-employment opportunities and literacy skills.