Licensed child care centre offering care for children ages 18 months to 4 years.
The Ancaster Horticultural Society offers volunteer gardening opportunities in Ancaster. They also offer annual memberships. They have hosted the Trillium Awards in Ancaster for gardens in Ancaster.
Offers a bilingual Montessori program from September to June and a summer program from July to August. Care is available full time or half-day. Hot lunches are provided.
Hamilton Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society, a registered charitable organization that promotes the ethical practice of archaeology in the Province of Ontario and beyond.
Offers a variety of courses to educate Canadians on first aid and emergency safety.
Courses include, but are not limited to:
Offers tennis lessons for youth and adults, along with round robin, tournament, and social events. Courts must be booked online. New members are welcome.
Offers consultation in person and over the phone to people wishing to better understand child and teen grief and to help loved ones through the grieving process.
Offers competitive and house league basketball for boys and girls, held at gyms in Ancaster and other parts of Hamilton.
Offers regular meetings for retired and semi-retired men and women. Opportunities are available to meet others, enjoy hearing guest speakers on topical subjects, and visit places and organizations of specific appeal to the members.
Music theatre program for young people, giving them the opportunity to learn about and develop a love for musical theatre and the performing arts. Offers programs and opportunities for children and youth from ages 4 though 18.