Offers skating lessons for children of all skating levels and experience.
- learn to skate
- power skating
- figure skaing
- adult skating lessons
Offers skating lessons for children of all skating levels and experience.
Friendly callers offer companionship and quality conversations through weekly calls. Clients will also have access to other helpful resources and information within the community. Calls usually last 15-30 minutes.
Offers medical clinic services to residents of St. Joseph's Villa and older adults in the community.
Clinics include:
Provides companionship and support to help seniors or persons with disabilities remain independent in their homes. This programs aims to enrich the social interaction of individuals by connecting them to the community and other helpful resources.
Offers volunteer opportunities within Dundas, including:
Provides information on a full range of social services available from all levels of government, the non-profit sector, the private voluntary sectors, by individuals in the community, and from the business sector.
Provides free income tax assistance for Dundas residents on limited or fixed income. No complicated tax returns or uncompleted returns in the last 3 years will be serviced.
Offers short-term counselling, advocacy, system navigation assistance, and assistance with government applications (such as city housing, DARTS, pension, and ODSP.) Assistance is focused on referring clients to longer-term services.
Provides meals prepared from fresh foods and frozen the week prior to delivery or pick-up. Offers 35 different entrées and desserts and 7 different soups each week over a 5 week rotation.
Provides basic first aid, fire safety, personal safety, mental health awareness, and more to train youth to become skilled and responsible babysitters.