Location of Contact Hamilton for Children's and Developmental Services.
Wee Watch Waterdown Service Area. Home child care licensed by the Ministry of Education to administer and supervise home child care providers who are registered with the agency. Child care provider hours are usually flexible and geared to parent need. Shift coverage provided.
Canadian Mental Health Association telephone and online services.
Stoney Creek location of Mohawk College Community Employment Services.
Office headquarters for Banyan Community Services in Hamilton.
War Amps Scarborough Location. Office responsible for the Key Tag Service in Ontario.
A community hall and social club for people of German descent and others. Also offers the banquet facilities for rental. Contact for information.
Kids Help Phone Location. There is no physical location for this service. Services are available through phone call, text, or live chat.
Provides substance use and mental health services for teenagers, young adults, and their families. Visit website for list of other service locations.
Osgoode Hall is a site for legal and judicial services in Ontario.