Website for Hamilton Aging in Community, an aging-in-community group of individuals residing in the Hamilton area.
Phone line of Distress Centre Halton.
A community pantry (no refrigeration) located on York Boulevard outside the Strathcona Market.
A community fridge located outside the Ottawa Market in east Hamilton. Maintained by Community Fridges HamOnt.
A community fridge located on the corner of Locke Street and Stanley Avenue. Maintained by Blessings Community Church.
An online website for the Ontario Retirement Communities Association. Maintains a list and map of available retirement homes.
Protestant Church located in Hamilton.
Phone line for the Employment Standards Information Centre.
Online website and catalogue for the Centre for Equitable Library Access, a non-profit organization that provides accessible format books, magazines, and newspapers for Canadians with print disabilities.
Website for the Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre, an independent non-profit corporation that provides support and referral services for racialized individuals experiencing racism.