Protestant Church located in Ancaster.
Outreach services provided by AbleLiving, offered in the Greater Hamilton Area.
Emergency accommodation for families experiencing homelessness in the form of private, accessible self-contained units.
Office for Dundas Learning Centre and Civitan Place, a non-profit agency that provides a day program that focuses on empowering adults with developmental disabilities while building their education and life skills.
Hamilton Municipal Service Centres offer the following services:
- Property Taxes
- Parking Ticket Payments
- Traffic Ticket Payments
- Blue Boxes
- Animal Licensing
- Composters
- PRESTO Card Payments for HSR Buses
- Taxi Scrips for ATS/DARTS clients
- Marriage Licenses
- Burn Permits
- Well Water Test Kits
- Automated Speed Enforcement Fine Payments
Protestant Church located in Mount Hope.
Accredited long-term care home offering private and semi-private accommodations.
Professional office building located in Toronto.
City of Hamilton administration offices.
Downtown station for the Province of Ontario's inter-regional public transit system for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). A division of Metrolinx.