Offers a variety of programs to allow families of French-speaking immigrants to settle, integrate, and participate in the community of Hamilton. Programs include:
Provides Deafblind individuals with accurate information in an appropriate manner to enable them to make choices, plan future actions, communicate successfully, navigate their environment, and achieve as much independence as possible.
Assists people with spinal cord injury (injuries) and other physical disabilities achieve independence, self-reliance and community participation.
Programs include:
Offers pregnancy, adoption, and parenting support through a child-centred approach. Dedicated to building and supporting healthy family relationships in an inclusive, non-judgmental environment.
Services include:
Three day outdoor festival celebrating Italian culture and heritage of the Racalmutese community in Hamilton. Features religious processions through the streets of Northwest Hamilton and James Street North.
Provides a range of services to support newcomers get settled in Canada. Settlement counsellors assist newcomer families with the following:
A non-for-profit, community-based organization providing support for males and transitional male youth experiencing alcohol or drug addition. Offers advocacy, counselling, education, and life skills building activities in a substance-free environment. Part of the Shelter Health Network.
Online directory of locations in Hamilton that offer free vaccinations for the seasonal flu. Visit a doctor, pharmacist, or clinic to get a flu shot. Visit the website to find a clinic nearby.
Integrated day program for frail elderly, adults with special needs and individuals with Alzheimer Disease or other dementias.
Day program for adults who require some physical, social or emotional support to remain in the community.
An adapted exercise and wellness program, providing inclusive and accessible opportunities for those living with spinal cord injuries to engage in regular community fitness programming.