Indigenous Services

These services provide Indigenous individuals with various supports in pregnancy and parenting.

Hamilton Regional Indian Centre Canada Prenatal Nutritional Program

Work: 905-548-9593 x227
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Expecting families who are willing to learn through Indigenous styles.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Encourages and promotes healthy pregnancies for Aboriginal mothers and their babies, offering culturally appropriate support for babies up to 6 months of age and their families by improving maternal infant care, promoting healthy birth weights, and overall better health promotion for expecting mothers and their families. Services offered include:

  • Prenatal/Postnatal classes
  • Home/Hospital visits
  • Nutritional and prenatal supplements
  • Cultural teachings
  • Advocacy and referrals
  • Breastfeeding support
  • New parent support

Indigenous Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program

Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Open to all Indigenous new parents.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Assists Indigenous families in providing the best opportunities for the healthy development of children 0-6 years of age through education, family home visits, service coordination, and referrals.

  • Professional peer counselling
  • Education and support programs
  • Cultural practices and teachings
  • Breastfeeding education and support
  • Pre/post-natal care
  • Nutrition
  • Growth and child development assessments
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) information
  • Bonding
  • Building self-esteem and life skills
  • Health and safety

Niwasa Head Start Preschool

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

For First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children and their families living in Hamilton.

How to apply:

Contact for information

A full-day program providing an early learning environment that follows Indigenous teachings and knowledge that help to support the growth and development of children and families. Indigenous languages, drumming, dancing and story telling are embedded into every aspect of the program. The program includes the following components:

  • Culture and Language
  • Education
  • Health Promotion
  • Nutrition
  • Social Support
  • Parental Involvement

Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. 

Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg Early Learning and Care Centre

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Fees vary, contact for details, subsidized spaces are available
Who can access this service:

Open to children ages 5 and younger.

How to apply:

Contact for information

Provides an early learning environment that follows Indigenous teachings and knowledge that support the growth and development of children and families. Provides meals, land based literacy program, and an outdoor learning environment. Full or part time care available. Licensed by the Ministry of Education.

Primary Health Care, De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Open to all First Nations, Metis, and Inuit community members living in Hamilton.

How to apply:

Contact to book an appointment.

Provides primary and wholistic medical care integrated with traditional Indigenous approaches to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit community members. Staff includes both family doctors and nurse practitioners. Care provided includes illness prevention and screening, assessment, treatment and monitoring, counselling, chronic disease management, breastfeeding support, pre- and post-natal care and more.

Violence Against Women Emergency Shelter

Toll-Free Number: 1-888-308-6559
Email: Web: Address:
24 hours
Who can access this service:

Open to all women, with or without children, who are in need of emergency shelter.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

A 15 bed emergency shelter, designed for women and their children, fleeing from domestic violence, dangerous situations, or experiencing homelessness. Assistance is provided for all women regardless of age, ancestry, culture, place of origin, sexual orientation, with or without children who are experiencing crisis in their lives. 

Services offered include group programs, women’s abuse education program, referrals, assistance in finding safe and suitable housing, and traditional healing methods. Service is available for a time up to and including six weeks. All residents will receive meals, personal hygiene items, safety planning and assistance with plans of care.