Emergency Housing and Housing Support

These services support people who are pregnant or have young children and need emergency shelter, are experiencing homelessness, or are at risk of losing their housing.

Good Shepherd Centres, Family Centre Emergency Shelter Services

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
24 hours
Who can access this service:

Open to all families experiencing homelessness in the Hamilton region.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Provides temporary emergency accommodation for families experiencing homelessness in the form of private, accessible self-contained units.

Services include:

  • 24/7 access to residential support workers
  • Individual case management
  • Assistance searching for permanent housing
  • Connections to post-shelter networks
  • Referrals to medical, legal, and other community services
  • On-site access to support services such as Ontario Works, Public Health etc.
  • Specialized services for children and youth, landlord/tenant issues, parenting etc.
  • Cultural interpretation services

Good Shepherd Centres, Women's Services

Crisis Line Number: 905-523-6277
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Women with or without children who are victims of domestic violence.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Provides a place of sanctuary, safety, and support for women (and their children) with a variety of programs.

Family Court Support Worker Program

Facilitates a victim’s understanding of and passage through the family court system. Support provided includes:

  • information on the family court process
  • assistance in preparing for family court proceedings (documenting history of abuse, accessing Legal Aid, 
  • debriefing with clients following family court appearances
  • referral to specialized services and supports in the community
  • safety planning 
  • court accompaniment to proceedings when appropriate

Transitional Housing and Support Program

  • Helps women and their children access services to establish violence and abuse-free lives in the community.

Second Stage Services

  • Offers furnished, affordable housing to both single women and women with children for up to one year. Supports are geared to creating greater physical, emotional, and financial stability in the aftermath of violence and abuse.

Good Shepherd Women's Emergency Services, Martha House

Crisis Line Number: 905-523-6277
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
24 hours
Who can access this service:

Women and their children fleeing violence and abuse.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

A 40-bed emergency shelter for individuals and their children who are fleeing violence and abuse.

Programs and service:

  • Safe, short-term accommodation in private family-style units
  • Safety planning and emergency transportation to the shelter, if needed
  • Referrals and advocacy for legal, medical, financial, employment, housing and community services
  • Recreational and therapeutic programs for children
  • Counselling
  • Access to cultural interpreters

Good Shepherd Women's Emergency Services, Mary's Place

Crisis Line Number: 905-523-6277
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
24 hours
Who can access this service:

Women dealing with homelessness, poverty, mental illness and/or violence.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

An emergency shelter, providing safety, support, and emergency accommodation to women who are dealing with homelessness, poverty, mental illness, and/or violence.

Programs and services: 

  • Emergency accommodation and safety planning
  • Referrals and advocacy for medical, legal, and other community services
  • Assistance in establishing permanent housing
  • Recreational and educational daily activities for residents and women living in the community

Home Management Program

Work: 905-546-2424 x4804
Fax Number: 905-546-3064
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Low income families or individuals, Ontario Works (OW), or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients, who live in Hamilton.

How to apply:

By referral from community agencies or individuals. Referral form available online, submit by fax or email.

Offers practical instruction and coaching programs to individuals, families, and groups to help promote healthy and independent living. Programs are designed to meet the unique needs of each client and group with the goal of developing skills in areas such as:

  • basic budgeting, household management, and routines
  • coping with housing issues
  • basic nutrition and menu planning
  • advocacy and community supports
  • goal setting, problem-solving, time management, stress management, self-esteem, and more

Honouring the Circle Transitional Housing

Crisis Line Number: 1-888-308-6559
Fax Number: 905-664-1101
Email: Web: Address:
24 hours
Who can access this service:

Indigenous women and children.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Offers transitional housing and support programs for up to 12 months for Indigneous women and children who are at risk of homelessness and poverty. The supportive housing facility is geared towards women and children who have been victims of violence.

Housing Support Services

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Open to all individuals and families with a low income.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Provides services to assist individuals who are experiencing homelessness or are on a low income in finding safe and affordable housing.

Services include:

  • listing of available rental accommodations
  • free phone access
  • subsidized housing applications
  • housing search assistance
  • information services
  • community referrals

Inasmuch House Women's Shelter Services

Crisis Line Number: 905-529-8600
Crisis Line Number: 289-212-6399 (Text)
Crisis Line Number: 1-833-654-4217 (Toll-free)
Web: Address:
24 hours
Who can access this service:

Female-identifing and non-binary people, with or without children in their care, who are experiencing abuse and/or homelessness.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

An emergency shelter for women and non-binary people, with or without children, who are experiencing domestic abuse and/or homelessness.

Services available for residents include:

  • safe shelter with access to meals, clothing, laundry, and other personal supports
  • child and youth workers
  • legal advocacy
  • transitional housing support worker
  • safety planning
  • referral to other community services

Nihdawin Program

Toll-Free Number: 1-800-667-0816
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Indigenous women and families at the risk of homelessness. 

How to apply:

Contact for information. 

Assists Indigenous women and their families who are or are at risk of homelessness with services required to improve self sufficiency, independence, and stability.

  • Assist with housing search, placements, securing and maintaining housing, rehousing and relocation assistance following eviction, and arrears
  • Budgeting and life skills guidance
  • Support and advocacy
    System navigation
  • Referrals (education, employment, partnering agencies)
  • Access to cultural programming, teachings, and healing, Elders and Traditional Healers
  • Assist with addictions and/or mental health issues and recovery support
  • Maintenance and follow up support (plan of care, safety planning, home visits, and aftercare)

Nisa Homes Hamilton Transitional Shelter

Work: 1-888-456-8043 x410
Email: Web: Address:
Who can access this service:

Immigrant women, refugees, and non-status women, with or without children, fleeing domestic violence, homelessness, or poverty.

How to apply:

Fill out the application form online, or call 1-888-456-8043 or email info@nisahomes.com

Transitional housing in a supportive, culturally based home environment for women, with or without children, who are fleeing abuse, experiencing homelessness, or seeking refuge in Canada. Includes support to develop tools to achieve independence and self-sustainability.

  • capacity 16 women and children
  • confidential, supportive counselling
  • case management
  • information and community referrals
  • life skills development
  • support groups

Notre Dame Community Resource Centre

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Open to all youth age 16 to 21 years of age.

How to apply:

Drop in, or contact for information.

A centre for at-risk youth residing within the community who are between 16 and 21 years of age, providing access to a number of support services and programs to assist them in remaining housed, diverting them from homelessness and street involvement. A case coordinator assists the youth in navigating community and internal services based on their identified needs. 

Services include:

  • Help with getting back into school or finding employment
  • Assistance obtaining or replacing ID
  • Access to housing workers
  • Help with applying for or maintaining social assistance
  • Hot meal program, seven days a week (lunch and dinner)
  • Connections to community supports
  • Free laundry facilities and clothing/household donations
  • Access to all on-site mental health, medical care, addiction/substance use services
  • Recreational and life skills programming
  • Early diversion and family mediation

Notre Dame House Youth Shelter

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
24 hours
Who can access this service:

Open to youth 16 to 21 years of age.

How to apply:

Contact for information, bring proof of age to first visit.

A 24-hour emergency shelter providing beds for youth between 16 and 21 years of age. It provides programming and support to youth in the following manner:

  • 24-hour a day intake and admissions
  • Meeting all basic needs by providing meals and snacks, clothing, laundry, hygiene products, etc.
  • Advocacy and case coordination
  • Recreational/therapeutic programming
  • Access to mental health services and consulting psychiatry
  • Access to a general practitioner and/or nurse practitioner
  • Addiction/substance use supports (Alternatives for Youth)
  • Withdrawal management assessment and monitoring (St. Joseph’s Healthcare)
  • After-care services through the Community Resource Centre

Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services

Phone: Contact:
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Rent geared to income housing units as well as some market rate units.
Who can access this service:

Indigenous individuals and families living in Hamilton who are homeless or on a low income. Some complexes have additional eligibility criteria based on age and gender of applicants. Contact for more details.

How to apply:

Fill out the application form online or contact for information.

Operates affordable housing complexes and support services for Indigenous people in the City of Hamilton.

Properties include: 

  • Kenatah Housing Complex: for homeless Indigenous families
  • Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou: for homeless Indigenous seniors
  • Odrohekta Housing Complex: for homeless Indigenous men

Phoenix Place Domestic Violence Support

Web: Address:
Who can access this service:

Women and their children.

How to apply:

Contact for information

Provides support for women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence. Offered at a confidential location for up to one year. Services include:

  • supportive housing
  • counseling
  • client advocacy
  • safety planning
  • help navigating other community resources

Regina's Place Services

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
24 hours
Subsidized units
Who can access this service:

Young parents, aged 21 and younger.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

A transitional housing program for young parents and their children for up to 2 years. Provides furnished apartments and support to young parents, with on-site programming and support staff. 

Programs and supports include (but are not limited to):

  • Cooking/community gardening
  • Health & nutrition
  • Infant bonding and attachment
  • Child development
  • Budgeting
  • Pre-employment counselling
  • Problem solving
  • Public health support
  • LEAP (Learning, Earning and Parenting)
  • Mental health and addiction support

Victoria and Friends Women's Shelter

Crisis Line Number: 905-387-8881
Web: Address: Hours:
24 hours
Who can access this service:

Open to all women, with or without children, who are experiencing violence, abuse, and/or trafficking.

How to apply:

Call the 24-hours crisis line at 905-387-8881.

An emergency shelter for women, with or without children, who are experiencing family violence, abuse, and/or human trafficking. Offers emergency shelter, a safe environment, meals, and access to support workers.

Violence Against Women Emergency Shelter

Toll-Free Number: 1-888-308-6559
Email: Web: Address:
24 hours
Who can access this service:

Open to all women, with or without children, who are in need of emergency shelter.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

A 15 bed emergency shelter, designed for women and their children, fleeing from domestic violence, dangerous situations, or experiencing homelessness. Assistance is provided for all women regardless of age, ancestry, culture, place of origin, sexual orientation, with or without children who are experiencing crisis in their lives. 

Services offered include group programs, women’s abuse education program, referrals, assistance in finding safe and suitable housing, and traditional healing methods. Service is available for a time up to and including six weeks. All residents will receive meals, personal hygiene items, safety planning and assistance with plans of care.

Wesley Housing Services - Hamilton

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Open to all individuals experiencing long-term shelter use and homelessness.

How to apply:

Application can be made through emailing or calling the organization.

A housing program supporting individuals experiencing episodic or chronic homelessness in acquiring and maintaining safe, affordable, and stable housing in Hamilton. Offers intensive case management, referrals, supports, and help obtaining government assistance.

Women's Transitional Living Program

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
24 hours
Fees for a room are subsidized based on income
Who can access this service:

Women in need of supportive accommodations.

How to apply:

Contact for details.

Provides safe, affordable, and temporary housing to women and non-binary individuals experiencing poverty, homelessness, and violence.

Services include:

  • low-barrier and inclusive health care
  • peer support programming
  • activities and outings
  • individualized case management
  • one-on-one support
  • systems navigation and advocacy