Navigating Pregnancy and Beyond

These services can help support you during pregnancy and can connect you to other supports.

Centre de Santé Communautaire Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program

Work: 905-528-0163 x3230
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

For French-speaking expectant and new mothers and their partners, as well as parents of children up to one year of age.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Aims to educate new mothers on healthy interactions with their babies through prenatal classes, nutrition counselling, and postnatal home visits. The program includes:

  • Promoting healthy choices during pregnancy
  • Preparing for birth
  • Breastfeeding
  • Awareness of postpartum depression
  • Mother-and-baby care after birth

Grace Haven Respite Program

Email: Web:
Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Open to all parents ages 24 and younger with children ages 6 weeks to 6 years

How to apply:

Call the office before Thursday of each week to schedule an time.

Offers a respite program for young parents age 24 and younger. Children ages 6 weeks to 6 years can be dropped off while the parents run errands, attend appointments etc.

Hamilton Regional Indian Centre Canada Prenatal Nutritional Program

Work: 905-548-9593 x227
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Expecting families who are willing to learn through Indigenous styles.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Encourages and promotes healthy pregnancies for Aboriginal mothers and their babies, offering culturally appropriate support for babies up to 6 months of age and their families by improving maternal infant care, promoting healthy birth weights, and overall better health promotion for expecting mothers and their families. Services offered include:

  • Prenatal/Postnatal classes
  • Home/Hospital visits
  • Nutritional and prenatal supplements
  • Cultural teachings
  • Advocacy and referrals
  • Breastfeeding support
  • New parent support

Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Home Visiting Program

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Pregnant women and parents with children from birth up to school entry

How to apply:

Call Health Connections at 905-546-3550 for referral information or fax referral

Public health nurses and family home visitors provide prevention, early intervention, and prenatal support to at-risk families.  Focus is on healthy child development and parenting skills.  Services include:

  • Prenatal support
  • Fostering parent-child connection
  • Promoting child's growth and development
  • Connecting parents with community resources
  • Discuss breastfeeding, infant nutrition, and healthy eating
  • Mental health support for postpartum depression or anxiety

Indigenous Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program

Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Open to all Indigenous new parents.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Assists Indigenous families in providing the best opportunities for the healthy development of children 0-6 years of age through education, family home visits, service coordination, and referrals.

  • Professional peer counselling
  • Education and support programs
  • Cultural practices and teachings
  • Breastfeeding education and support
  • Pre/post-natal care
  • Nutrition
  • Growth and child development assessments
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) information
  • Bonding
  • Building self-esteem and life skills
  • Health and safety

Jeanne Scott Parent & Child Resource Centre

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Young parents aged 18-25 years old.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

A partnership between Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board and Good Shepherd that provides young parents the opportunity to complete their high school education, with on-site child care for their children.

Learning, Earning and Parenting Program (LEAP)

Work: 905-546-2424 x3088
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Must be a parent between 16 and 25 years old and receiving support from Ontario Works and/or the Ontario Disability Support Program.

How to apply:

Phone or email for information. Ontario Works recipients can call directly or speak to their case manager.

Offers support to young parents navigating a return to secondary school, adult education, or alternative education options to complete secondary school (Grade 12). The LEAP program also provides encouragement and enhancement of parenting skills through community involvement as well as promoting independence, self esteem, and job readiness as a part of the City of Hamilton’s Youth Team.

Living Rock Ministries Wellness Works

Work: 905-528-7625 x223
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Mon-Fri by appointment
Who can access this service:

Open to young parents in Hamilton.

How to apply:

Contact for information or to register.

Provides community support and case management services to pregnant and parenting youth.

The main components of programming are:

  • Outreach in food bank, breakfast, and evening programs
  • Engagement in case manangement
  • Encouragement in use of the Parent Resource Room/Incentive Room
  • Equipping through participation in Pregnancy Support Group and one-on-one appointments

Nurse-Family Partnership Program

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

First time mothers, 21 years of age or less, in first or second trimester of pregnancy.

How to apply:

Call Health Connections at 905-546-3550 for referral information or fax referral

A prenatal and infancy home visitation program for young, first time parents provided by public health nurses. Program begins during pregnancy and for the first two years of the children’s lives.

Goals include improving pregnancy outcomes, improving child health and development, and improving parents' self-sufficiency. Nurses provide support and education on health, child development, parenting issues, life goals and access to community resources. 

Public health nurses are available to visit agencies and organizations, to further explain the program and the referral process.

Online Prenatal Program

Email: Web: Address:
Who can access this service:

New or expecting parents.

How to apply:

Fill out the registration form online.

A free, online program for new or expectant parents, that can be done at their own pace using a computer or mobile device. Topics covered:

  • pregnancy
  • birth
  • breastfeeding
  • newborn care

Ujima Project

Work: 289-659-3857 (Family Navigator)
Work: 289-659-5671 (Early Literacy Specialist)
Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Young parents, 29 years and under.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

A one-stop model of access to services for young parents that strives to meet their children’s early developmental needs.

Programs include:

  • Age-based screening and assessment
  • Baby Love program
  • Family navigaton
  • Early literacy supports
  • Play and Learn

Welcome Baby Prenatal Nutrition Program

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Hours vary by location, visit website for specific times, dates, and locations
Who can access this service:

Pregnant individuals can join and stay until their babies are 6 months of age. A participant can only be registered in one Prenatal Nutrition Program (Welcome Baby) group.

How to apply:

Choose one Welcome Baby group to attend and register on your first visit. Email or call Health Connections at 905-546-3550 for information.

Free weekly groups for pregnant individuals. Discussions with a Registered Nurse and Registered Dietitian include pregnancy, labour and birth, managing stress, eating well and cooking healthy food, breastfeeding, and community supports. Grocery gift cards, multivitamin gift cards, and bus tickets are provided as needed.

Young and Expecting Parent Program

Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Young and expecting parents, age 14-21 years.

How to apply:

Contact the guidance counsellor at the parent's school for registration information.

Students bring their infant to the classroom with them, where they work with a Secondary School teacher to earn credits and receive hands-on parenting support from an Early Childhood Educator. Students have the opportunity to learn alongside other young parents and connect with a variety of community resources such as the Ontario Early Years Centres.

Young Parent Program

Email: Web: Address: Hours:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Parents ages 25 and younger.

How to apply:

Contact for more information.

Provides individualized ongoing support to pregnant and parenting youth and their children using a collaborative approach to help remove barriers and engage parents to develop skills, foster resiliency, and increase self-efficacy through coordination of access to community-based services, and planning and coordination of multidisciplinary services such as:

  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Education
  • Parenting
  • Psychosocial development (emotional, intellectual, and social skills)
  • Life skills (empowering critical thinking, problem solving, self-reflection, and interpersonal skills)
  • Self-sufficient budgeting and housing solutions

Young Parents Resource Centre

Joanne Rochon
Email: Web:
Address: Hours:
Who can access this service:

Open to all new mothers aged 14 to 20.

How to apply:

For registration information contact the school liaison at 905-522-7336.


School programs serving pregnant and/or parenting young women and their infants. Program consists of 3 Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board teachers and a Program Liaison, working together to ensure young moms achieve as many credits as possible, while continuing to build on their parenting skills, manage their finances, connect with community supports like Public Health, and more. The Infant Playtime Plus (IPP) serves infants 6 weeks to 24 months while mothers attend an on-site school program.